Golden (Investor) Visa for Italy

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Golden visa (also known as an investor visa) for Italy summary

Who can apply to get an golden (investor) visa for Italy?

Procedure to apply to get a golden (investor) visa for Italy

Useful links and resources for the golden (investor) visa program for Italy

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Golden Visa (also known as an Investor Visa) overview

The Golden (Investor) Visa is a 2-year visa for non-EU citizens, who choose to invest in strategic assets related to Italy’s economy and society. 

Applying for this type of visa has many benefits!

  • it is issued independently of the annual entry quotas established by the Decreto Flussi
  • the application to get the Nulla Osta is in English, and can be made online through the Portal of the Ministry of Economic Development
  • the time required for the entire process is significantly reduced, because the procedure is fully centralized, as a single administration handles all communications with the other administrations involved
  • it is one of the most straightforward ways to get an Italian residence permit (also known as a fast-track visa)
  • you will benefit from a special tax regime, meaning that you will pay a fixed amount of €100.000 a year, regardless of your income or assets abroad
  • you are entitled to work in employment, or as a self-employed professional, without restrictions

A Golden (Investor) Visa can only be issued for a single investment, falling into only one of the types described below, and for the minimum threshold of the following invested capital:

  • € 2.000,000 in government bonds issued by the Italian Republic Treasury as Certificates →(CCT/CCTeu), Zero-coupon Treasury Bonds (CTZ), Long-term Treasury Bonds (BTP), Long-Term Treasury Bonds index-linked to Eurozone inflation, or BTP ITALIA.3.  For each type, a minimum residual maturity of no less than two years is required. 
  • € 500,000 in companies incorporated and operating in Italy→ a company is considered to be “operating” if it is in an active state, and has already filed at least one balance sheet by the date of the visa application. The recipient company may be either listed or unlisted. Its name and tax code are a substantial and mandatory piece of information, and must be indicated at time of application. 
  • € 250,000 in Innovative startups → Stakes or shares in innovative startups. The official list of innovative startups, which is updated every week and accessible free of charge, is available on the portal, administered by the Italian Chambers of Commerce system.
  • € 1.000,000 in philanthropic donations → Donations supporting a project of public interest in the fields of culture, education, immigration management, scientific research, or preservation of cultural and natural heritage.

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Who can apply for a golden (investor) visa for Italy?

  • an individual (i.e. a natural person) over eighteen years of age
  • a foreign legal entity, identified by its legal representative, i.e. the person who, on the basis of the deed of incorporation and the articles of association of the entity, is authorized to commit the will of the foreign legal entity, who is over eighteen years old.

The procedure to apply for a golden (investor) Visa

  • your contact details (name and surname, place and date of birth, nationality,  place of residence, personal email address, and personal telephone number)
  • brief curriculum vitae of your main academic and professional experience
  • an indication of the type of investment
  • a copy of your valid passport
  • proof of ownership of the necessary financial resources
  • proof of the absence of criminal convictions and pending charges
  • a description of the characteristics of the investment and proof of consent from the recipients
  • a declaration of commitment to donate the funds, validated with an electronic signature, including an indication of the amount that you are willing to invest and the municipality where you wish to settle 

After the issue of the Nulla Osta by the Committee, go to the Italian representation in your country of residence to apply for a Golden Visa and submit the following documents:


Enter Italy and apply for a temporary residence permit within 8 days of your arrival in Italy. 

  • Pick up an application kit for Italian residency at the Sportello Amico of a post office (Poste Italiane) near you. 
  • Carefully fill in the application form (MOD 1 or MOD 2) to correspond with the entry visa. Do not close/seal the application envelope, because the officer needs to review all of  the documents.
  • Submit the application form and the following additional documents at the post office:
    • a Marca da Bollo stamp (duty stamp)
    • passport-size photographs
    • your valid travel document
    • a copy of your travel document
    • a copy of the health insurance policy valid in Italy and for the entire duration of your stay
    • proof of suitable accommodation
    • financial resources proving that you can support yourself for your whole stay
    • your tax code (Codice Fiscale)
    • documented proof of your work activity

The post office will forward the application to the responsible police station and give you a receipt that serves as a temporary residence permit until the moment of issue. (Don’t lose it!). In the receipt, you will find the summons date to go to the police station for identification (fingerprinting).

Do not miss the day of the summons at the police station (Questura). It takes a lot of time to rebook another date, and the issuance of the residence permit will be delayed. 

You will be summoned one last time to collect your Residence Permit.

Be aware that you must fulfill the two conditions for the issuance and maintenance of the permit:

  • make the investment or donation declared in the visa application within 3 months of your date of entry into Italy
  • maintain the original investment for the entire valid period of the residence permit
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